Nils Jacobsen, vice president of the board at ISCU, was awarded the Distinguished Leadership Service Award at the 7th Annual Immigrant Welcome Awards Ceremony and Celebration on Sept. 19, 2020, organized and hosted by CU Immigration Forum. The award, given to a community leader dedicated to working on behalf of the immigrant community, recognizes Nils’ tireless efforts to help acclimate immigrants in our community. The event was held this year via Zoom meeting using the UFL technical support. Five individuals and organizations received recognition for their service to the immigrant community.
Nils, who has been with ISCU since 2017, coordinates the family liaison program and is the ISCU representative on the oversight committee of the Immigrant Emergency Assistance Fund. He also plays a large role working with families in need of rental and utility assistance. Congratulations, Nils!
Jacopo Demarinis, a student at the University of Illinois and intern for ISCU this past spring, received the Student Leadership Award. “He was an outstanding example of what we hope to see in this new generation of students who really give back to the community,” said ISCU Executive Director Ben Mueller. Jacopo helped with the ISCU Family Liaison team and the Immigrant Services Store, among other areas. “There was nothing that I ever asked him to do that he wouldn’t do,” said Ben. “He had such a terrific attitude. And I like to point out that he is the son of immigrants himself.” Jacopo came to us via Professor Annie Abbott’s Spanish course that includes 40 hours of community service at the UI. Congratulations, Jacopo!