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Ongoing Pandemic Response Partnership with CUPHD

In addition to the Immigrant Emergency Assistance Fund, ISCU has also been providing pandemic-specific support to immigrant families personally affected by this health crisis. We recently received approval of a subcontract from the Champaign-Urbana Public Health District that will help us continue providing relief funds for immigrants affected by COVID-19. These funds cover such needs as rental assistance, utilities, medicine, health and sanitation supplies, delivery of groceries to families and compensation to volunteers who purchase and deliver food to families, printing of COVID-19 educational materials in English, Spanish and French, and sadly, resources for families who have lost a loved one to COVID-19.

Thanks to the generous outpouring of contributions from so many members of our community, ISCU has been able to support dozens and dozens of families who are struggling as a result of the pandemic. From March through June 2020, ISCU has distributed $60,000 to immigrant families affected by this virus, in part through access to additional resources from Catholic Charities of the Peoria Diocese, the Latino Policy Forum and the Regional Planning Commission of Champaign County. “While other organizations have done a tremendous job in helping families during the pandemic since its spread into our community in March, we are the only immigrant organization in Champaign-Urbana that has continued providing relief funds to families affected by the pandemic during the summer and we are continuing to deliver food and help in all of these areas into the fall,” said ISCU Executive Director Ben Mueller. “While this support from CUPHD is greatly appreciated, ISCU’s Pandemic Response Fund cannot survive with their support alone. This is a much-needed resource that allows us to respond rapidly to the specific and ongoing challenges faced by immigrant families as a result of COVID-19.” We rely on donations from individuals as well as organizations like CUPHD, so please consider making a donation via PayPal (see donation button at bottom of newsletter) or by mailing a check to CU FAIR, PO Box 364 Urbana, IL 61803. Please note “Pandemic Response Fund” in the memo line.

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