Turning Care Into Action
Our purpose is to extend a welcoming hand to immigrant families who are new to our community. When families face obstacles, we are here to help; we provide them with the tools they need to build a future where their talents and skills will help them fulfill the dreams they had when they first arrived in this country.
Since our founding in 2016, ISCU has grown to include the support of over 45 faith-based, university and community groups and hundreds of individuals from across the greater Champaign-Urbana area. ​Our family liaisons and community guides work with families to determine their needs. How we support includes groceries, health supplies, household goods, baby & toddler items, transportation, and rent and utility assistance. Our staff and volunteers also help families navigate to find resources, including securing medical care and available benefits, housing, jobs, English-as-a-Second-Language classes, legal assistance, and more depending on their individual needs.
—— Staff——
Maria Jimenez, Associate director and Case Manager
Chris Sheeran, Transportation and Household Services Coordinator
—— BOARD of Directors ——
David Dorman, President
Haydee Adelita, Treasurer
Lorraine Crummey, Secretary
Alejandra Aguero
Jennifer Gover Bannon
Neelma Mehmood